Brad Thatcher waited 30 years to catch his first Bonefish, TODAY HIS DREAM WAS FULFILLED

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Andrew Cavallo came from Australia to catch a Molokai Bonefish and was sucessfull in his quest

Wayne and Lisa Endicott from Oregon tried hard for Bonefish, hooked several that sadly broke off. They did however succeed in scoring a few Trevally which tugged enough to get them excited as it was their first salt water fish

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Brian caught a pokey non target fish, a big puffer

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David Miller caught his first Molokai Bonefish


These two anglers from Japan had a terrific Trevally day, no bones about it

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These two buddies, Aki and Go, scored on their first Molokai bonefishes

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Father and daughter came from Japan to flyfish for bonefish. They both caught one each and suceeded

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Bonefish are incredibly beautiful fishes, so nice to watch them swim away

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Some days things just happen. Happy angler moment

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