Let’s go fishing

Captain Clayton Ching
Hallelujah Hou Fishing
PO Box 732
Kaunakakai HI 96748
(808) 336-1870

If you’ve fished for Bones in other places in the world, you may already be spoiled by the number of fish that you may see and hook on any given outing, but, not many of the fish will be very large. What Molokai may lack in numbers of fish, it makes up for in size, as the average size of fish is usually never under five pounds. Fish up to thirteen pounds have been landed here, with fish generally averaging five to eight pounds. I can never guarantee how many fish you will see or hook, but if you have had several opportunities to at least see or cast on fish, then I’ve done my job. (acronym for job is Joys Of Bonefishing)

Landing even one fish is considered an accomplishment, as Bonefish are THE spookiest fish God ever created! Of course, there are days when anglers may hook multiple fish, a lot depends on how well you can see fish and how well you can cast. As the saying goes, “sometimes it’s better to be lucky than good”. If you are looking for a real challenge, you’ve picked the right sport and quarry to pursue.

Please realize that this is not an easy fishery as conditions are not always textbook, with calm winds and perfect tides every day. On the average, there are more windy days than calm ones. It is also a tide specific fishery, as the right tide is a very important factor which can contribute to your fishing success. If the tide is not right I will refuse to book a trip with you. I cannot control the sun or wind and many times it will be what it will be, and we’ll have to tough out the fishing conditions that we have for the day. Your safety is always paramount when it comes to weather conditions.

Wading is the preferred method for the majority of anglers; however sight casting from the bow of a flats skiff is also available when calm conditions permit.

The flats boat is a 2013 Prima Sea, an 18 footer made in Texas, powered by a 2019 Suzuki four stroke 115 hp engine. The boat is equipped
with a casting platform on the bow and a poling platform on the stern. Made specifically for flyfishing and running skinny water.

Average trips range from four to six hours. Prevailing conditions may determine the length of time spent fishing. Start times can vary according to tides.